
Wednesday, July 27, 2005


This blog is to document the work I do for PlanetPhysics. PlanetPhysics is a virtual community which aims to help make physics knowledge more accessible. Not only is it important to have 'free' documents (more about this can be found here) but the linking capability enhances the learning of physics through a multiresolution approach. Everyone handles information differently so the presentation of material is of the utmost importance. However, this is often taken for granted and hopefully PlanetPhysics, PlanetMath and any other Planet can help remedy the problem. A link lets people who need to dig deeper on a subject go further while allowing a concise presentation of the material.

A quick example can be seen on the entry for Wien's Displacement Law which was automatically linked to Planck's radiation law. Someone who is comfortable with Planck's radiation law can continue, while someone else can brush up on their knowledge with a simple click of the mouse. Of course the best part is that the author of the Wien displacement law needs not know that an Entry for Planck's radiation law exists to create a link.

Anyway, most of this blog will be boring for people since it is more of a self documentation page, however it may help someone and that is the power of the internet. Good day!